My Wand is Broken

I need a magic wand. I need to wave it at the house to make it larger. I need it wave it at the bank balance to add a few thousand pounds. I need to wave it at my charming prince to encourage him through a low patch in the business world. I need to wave it at myself to give me some energy to face the new academic year. I have been waving it around pretty vigorously but with little impact. I think it may be broken.

I staggered to the end of term and parked my professional broomstick in the corner of my classroom, leaving it there to gather some dust while I came home to the new castle to settle in better. The pictures are not quite all up yet and negotiations continue. It reminds me of the scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally ‘about the wedding present wagon- wheel table.  There are two previous lives to fit onto the walls and as yet not many new memories to put up. It is hard to find enough wall space to accommodate all the photographs of children, pictures of parents, certificates of achievement from assorted offspring, hand-embroidered tapestries from deceased mothers and the pictures and ornaments we each simply like for no very good reason.

The pictures have been hung where there are hooks and little sticky pads have been posted where hooks need to go. Then they have been rearranged … and rearranged. Two rooms are fairly sorted and the rest remain in flux. Precious pictures take it in turns to be propped up on the floor of the landing, waiting to be assigned a definite location. It is amazing how much sentimental value can be attached to a simple print of a holiday destination which only one of us has visited. And as for anything depicting a person now departed, or made by their hand …. The word sacred doesn’t even begin to cover it.

All advice gratefully received and if anyone knows of a good wand repairer, please post a reply!

2 Replies to “My Wand is Broken”

  1. I can definitely relate to this, especially how much sentimental value can be attached to a simple print of a holiday destination which only one of you has visited. I have a real issue with visiting holiday destinations which my stable boy* has previously visited with his ex so I definitely don’t want any pictures, either of those locations or bought at them, to be displayed in our house!
    Let’s hope we both have many more new memories to display soon x

    *how he refers to himself!

    1. Ah, it is good to know I am not the only one to feel like this. So far, we have visited new places together and that definitely helps.
      Thanks for bothering to comment.

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