The food of love… or the love of food…

Prince Charming has a weight problem. I may have touched on this in a previous post, but it has become a bit of an issue. The thing is, when he is thin, he is so weary and tired that he loses his charm. But

he’d rather be grumpy than fat.

Let me give some background.

Shortly after we met, Prince Charming told me all the bad things about himself he thought I should know before making a major decision about living happily ever after with him. The things he was really worried about were pretty insignificant, I thought, and the things he didn’t rate were important, but that’s another blog. This one is about his weight.

So, I knew weight was a big issue for him and I knew he had a gastric band to help him to control it. He tried really hard to keep this from intruding on my social life or diet, and cooked wonderful meals for us both and any visiting children. So far, so good.

Faded Charm

However, after a year or so, his charm was fading. He was tired all the time. He was irritable. He seemed to be depressed. He didn’t want to go out or be active at all. His idea of an active evening was to change channels on the tv from time to time. If I wanted to go out riding on a white charger, I had to do it alone!

Now, second wives will sympathise here when I tell you that Previous Wife (and Real Mother of Stepson) had warned me about him.  When she heard that there was to be a new Mrs Charming, she asked to see my ring and announce that she would congratulate me “but we were happy once, too. He changes.”  At times,  it niggled.

Food is the Food of Love.

It turned out, Charming was missing important elements from his diet: like iron and folic acid. His doctor discovered he was VERY anaemic. Showing him his blood test results, the doctor, suggested that he would die a premature and painful death (possibly at my hands) if he did not change his diet. This marvellous man gave Prince Charming a strict prescription of Sensible Eating which involved loosening the gastric band to allow steak, chips and baked goodies, but in sensible quantities. He appointed me guardian of the food cupboard and sent us home.

Now we are balancing a precarious tight rope. Prince Charming is enjoying a wider range of food than he has known for nearly a decade. He is full of energy, fun kindness once again. He wants to go out for walks and climb mountains. He is still cooking delicious meals, but is now – and this is the crucial point – eating them too. And life is wonderful!

BUT he is putting on weight. It was bound to happen and we were prepared for an increase. The initial rate has slowed considerably and we are hoping soon to see a sustained drop. But in the meantime, all advice would be welcome.

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