Starting Afresh

Having recently started afresh in terms of home, location, job and social life, I’ve decided to complete the set and start a new business too.  In for a penny, in for a pound, as they used to say. It doesn’t make much sense now with contactless cards and all, but some of you will understand.

Weary of the Classroom

I was weary of the classroom, as were my pupils. Too many data spreadsheets, too much massaging of results, too many powerpoints, too much teaching to the test too much memory and not enough discovery. I was jaded and I had no desire to go into work in a morning and deliver a meaningless set of SATs rules to children who were hungry, emotionally starved, and had spent at least half of the previous might on their XBox or playing Fortnite.  Redbull Energy Drink


Targets and Green Ink

I could no longer tolerate the blind acceptance of rituals with limited educational impact. I can’t pretend to believe that my generation was damaged by the use of red pens, and that this one is protected by green. 30x GREEN MICRON BALLPOINT PENS. MEDIUM POINT GREEN BIROS.  I can’t put yet another target on the bottom of a piece which is a second draft and the pinnacle of the child’s achievement so far in life. I still want to teach but I cannot do it any more in a mainstream school.

The Investment.

Not having the luxury of an independent income, I needed a new career. My eye was caught by an advert on Facebook for a franchise which fitted my skillset and I started to investigate.  It seemed a good investment. I had equity in the house. I could do it if I chose… "There is a Crone within every witch. She lives within you. This Crone is the wise old woman, the hag, the mistress of magick. The Crone within every witch teaches you that you don't need to be too good, and you can curse as well as cure." Unknown authorWith significant and enthusiastic encouragement from a husband who had seen his previously cheery wife turn into a bad-tempered crone in two years of teaching in an unhappy school, I extended the mortgage and took the plunge. Within a few months, I had chosen my region, bought the franchise, resigned from my job and started to look for premises.

Time will tell whether it was crazy or wise.

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