All my worldly goods…

I did promise. In fact, it was, strictly speaking, a vow. I said clearly, in front of witnesses, that I would share all my possessions with my charming prince. Trouble is, he is sharing his with me too and between us we have too many. Image result for worldly goods

Perhaps I’ve been infected by the western world’s need to buy new. Maybe I just want to do the newly-wed, home-maker bit. I really want to go out and buy some new stuff for our joint home, rather than using all the things left from two previous lives. We’ve both got all sorts of furniture, some of which belonged to one or other of our parents. We really don’t need any more. We need to sort out what we’ve got.

Storing and Sorting.

Some of our furniture and much of the boys’ stuff is packed away in a storage unit about twenty  minutes’ drive away. Image result for self-storage unitIt costs a lot to keep it there and really we should just give it away or sell it but so far, we haven’t. There’s a time commitment involved in sorting it. Some of it is not ours to sort. And some of it belonged to Prince Charming’s mother. Apparently, this accords it sacred status and means it can never be disposed of, even though the chairs are never sat on, the dishes won’t go in the dishwasher, and there are so many place settings that we couldn’t fit all the diners in the house at once! Image result for huge dinner party


I am all in favour or respecting the memory of the people we’ve loved and lost. I just don’t do it through keeping their possessions.  By all means, keep their principles, tell their stories to the children and use or wear the things they left behind. My lovely father is in my thoughts every time I work in the garden. His example reminds me to buy The Big Issue because he did and he no longer can. I reach out to other cultures and respect other people’s beliefs because he taught me to do those things. I love beautiful craftsmanship because he worked with wood and made lovely things. Image result for handcrafted furnitureI don’t feel the need to surround myself with ‘things’ which belonged to him.

My friends seem to have homes which are colour co-ordinated, themed, complete and reflect their personalities. We have a bit of a hotch-potch of random, disparate knick-knacks which seem to clutter the space. We need a purge.

The Bright Side.

Still, we are making some headway. Stepson’s room is nearly finished, and is colour co-ordinated and planned. It is also empty just yet. Tomorrow we need to sift through the stuff and put some back, and put the rest in the loft for him to rescue if he needs to. I am relying on him not doing!

I’ve also discovered that when Iook into the house from the garden, it looks much more planned and cosy and homely than I expect. Maybe I should just live outdoors more! Or look at the average home in the world and be grateful for my flushing toilets, running water, fridge and oven. Image result for family bathroomAnd for a husband who genuinely shares his worldly goods with me, and also paints, mends, cooks, builds and plans with great skill.

His mum did a good job with him, whatever she told him about her furniture!

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