Getting Ready for Business

Image result for first aidI’ve bought my franchise. I’ve done my training. I have written my policies. I have my first aid certificate for my wall. Trouble is, I haven’t got a wall yet.

As I am going to be responsible for children, I needed my first aid training to be brought up to speed. I did this course training through Millie’s Trust, an organisation I was delighted to support. I spent two days revising what I should do to keep safe the children in my care. I still remember to to make a sling, how to bandage a bleed, and what to do with an epi-pen.

The new knowledge for me this time was the warning about tiny batteries. Apparently, they are very quickly very dangerous and even lethal. Previously, I’ve been frustrated by the fact that the batteries in children’s toys are screwed in so that I need a screwdriver in my man-drawer. (Yes, I have a man-drawer. I took it over when I divorced and I keep one here in my new palace too. Every princess and every wicked stepmother needs one.) Image result for man-drawer

Now I understand. What happens is, the child locates the battery. The child tastes the battery. The child swallows the battery. The battery becomes damp and the chemicals in the child’s body quickly react with the chemicals in the battery to create a very corrosive substance. This can cause horrendous burns inside a small child in a very short time.

These batteries are everywhere, including in the key fob or phone or musical card we give to toddlers to play with. Don’t leave them lying around. They are at least as dangerous as a hot drink or a sharp knife within reach.

Anyway, I have got my business idea all ready and I need a place to operate from. I think I have found it. It seems to be the right size. I think it’s in the right  location. The landlord seems kind and honest and sensible. We’ve been discussing terms and making plans for some time. We just haven’t managed to draw up contracts yet, let alone sign them. Image result for sign contract

I haven’t been wasting my time while I’ve been waiting. I’m writing policies, reviewing resources and checking furniture and computers. I feel much better prepared than I did a few weeks ago and am now getting impatient to begin. I am hoping for an opening at the end of September but time is slipping by.

Of course, I am enjoying having the time to relax a bit and to enjoy the summer. However, I am getting a bit concerned as I see the calendar pages turn. We allowed ourselves a year to get the business of the ground and replace my old salary, but three months have gone already and I have no premises.

Image result for premisesThe franchise always said that finding premises is the hardest part, and none of the people who trained with me are ready yet to open their doors. It’s definitely not time to panic yet. In fact, in some ways it’s good to have the time forced on me to prepare so thoroughly. Six weeks ago I was nervous about the idea of opening and marketing and finding customers but now I am much more eager to begin.

I have always felt that these premises are meant to be, but I never know whether I’m following God’s plan or just liking my own! Some of you will think both ideas are crazy and others will know what I mean. 

Either way,  I’ll keep you posted!